Hello there! Whether you're a professional singing actor, a professional classical singer, or a CCM (contemporary commercial music) style professional, I offer lessons/coaching to help you level up. If you're an adult who is recovering from a vocal pathology or illness affecting the voice, I can help you get back to singing healthily and with joy. If you need a boost as a public speaker, either as a teacher or lecturer of any kind, I can meet you in your space and mentor you on effective, healthy use of your voice and projection/elocution. For those seeking a master class clinician or speaker, I offer deep dives into topics such as vocal health, understanding how to teach CCM and music theatre styles after being trained in the classical tradition, and more. Building voices using science, play, and kinesthesia for versatility within many styles/genres while creating a nurturing, encouraging, and positive environment is my MO. Voice building, educating the educators, mentoring emerging artists, promoting vocal health, and singing for the joy of it are my jam! If I sound like your jam, let’s work together.

About Dr. Tanya Kruse
I offer voice and technique building to adult singers in classical, country, pop, and music theatre genres. Audition preparation, musicianship, acting, recovery from illness or pathology, and joy-seeking are my specialty. Public speech-makers can also work with me on effective voice use, as can other professional voice users, such as classroom teachers who need assistance with their vocal health.
I live in Waukesha with my husband, two children, and sweet pup Ethel. When I'm not teaching, I am probably selling real estate, kayaking, biking outdoors, or listening to my favorite podcasts.

Jennifer Shanin

“Investing in Tanya’s coaching has strengthened my vocal abilities and empowered my mindset around performing. Since 2014, I have received excellent vocal instruction from Tanya in classical and contemporary styles. Tanya’s science-based teaching in vocal function helped me strengthen my chest voice, adding half an octave to my lower range! As both my teacher and colleague, I’ve had the pleasure of sharing the operatic stage with her all-encompassing, palpable energy and lush, colorful soprano voice. Tanya is immensely supportive as a mentor to me as I open my own voice studio. I continually feel supported, valued, and comfortable while I am in her studio.”
George Lorimer

“I began working with Tanya after I graduated college. My college training had focused on opera and art song, but I felt uncomfortable performing contemporary musical theatre, rock, and pop. Working with Tanya helped me realize the full potential of my voice. Her mastery of musical style and vocal pedagogy is comprehensive. In my lessons, she has fixed issues quickly and clearly with simple, effective adjustments. Since beginning our lessons I've seen my range grow, my tone become clearer, and my repertoire become more diverse. Her work has given me the tools to master any piece of music given to me."